Sunday, February 27, 2011

So many Snorks, so little time...

I have so many Snorks that I have not yet uploaded to this blog that when I come to uploading some, I have no idea where to start. So here are two that were not sorted into any folder and that I drew not long ago in an old small notepad.

3D Rendition

This is a 3D rendition of a Snork based on a sculpture of a Horse Snork Snub lovingly caressing the earth that I gave to my girlfriend Georgia for her 19th Birthday.
(Documented earlier on in this blog)

It was created by a friend of mine called Mike using a program called Blender.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


"GHOST 22/01/10"


I think I did this in a Greece and Rome lecture. :3

Down Days

"DOWN DAY 8/8/10"

That feeling we all get sometimes.
Music is like a fire in your belly.

"1 2 3"

"You're all a bunch of freaks!"

Folder Snorks

Snorks that I drew on my subject folders in times of boredom. :)

Split Personality

This is the same Snork viewed from both sides. I used it as decoration in my room at university for my first year, one side is angry and the other is passive.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Dachshunds, Snorks and stuff.

"Double Dachshund"

Here is some weird snorks and random doodles I thought i'd upload.


"Confidence and Progress"

The collective noun for Horse Snork Snubs is a "Throw Up" =)

The Sword of Damocles



I needed that.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Computer Snorks

I personally like how the spikes suggest curved lines when none actually exist.

Snorks have infiltrated computer circuitry.
Here are a couple of snorks that I have created on my computer using Adobe Photoshop.

Snork Sculpture. A birthday gift for Georgia.

(My Snork keyring can be seen in the background)

This is a sculpture I made for my girlfriend Georgia on her 19th birthday. I made it out of clay and decorated it with inks and paints. It is modelled on an earlier drawing of a Snork cuddling the earth protectivly.

Playing with Stencils

The first Snork t-shirt, modelled here by the beautiful Georgia Leonard.

I had access to cardboard and spray paint, stencils seemed like the next logical thing to do. Definitely more to come.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


This is close to how I visualise Horse Snork Snubs.


Some Snorks stay and some are transitional.

A gift to Greg.
A few more Snorks from the "Univeristy" ark.
First Year of Univeristy completed